Declaration of Hope

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Declaration of Hope —By Keffer

“I declare God’s faithful love over you and bless you with His love that never ends!

I declare over you God’s mercies never cease and bless you with His mercies raining down upon you in this time!

I declare over you, “How great is the Lord’s faithfulness!” and bless you with the greatness of His faithfulness towards you in the midst of all that surrounds you!

I declare over you that the Lord’s mercies begin afresh each morning and bless you with His new mercies for today!

I declare over you that the Lord is your inheritance and bless you with all He has to give and provide you in this very moment!

I declare over you that your hope is in the Lord!

Yes!! I bless you that your hope is in the Lord!

I declare over you that the Lord is good to those who depend on Him, to those who search for Him.

And so I bless you with the goodness that comes from waiting quietly for His grace, His daily saving grace, His deliverance!

Yes! I bless you with the Lord’s daily mercies raining down!

I bless you to stand with ever-renewed hope in Him!

I bless you with the goodness that comes from quietly waiting upon His grace, His daily saving grace, His mighty deliverance!

Because your hope is in Him!

I bless you that He and He alone is Jesus!

Lord of Lords! King of Kings!

Your Champion in the seen and unseen realm!

Yes! I bless you that He is your Faithful and True One who rides the white horse!

I bless you with daily hope arising! Hope, hope, and more hope.”


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