“Faith Does Not Eliminate Questions. But Faith Knows Where to Take Them”

Q.. What kind of man was Boaz before he married Ruth?
A.. Ruthless.

“God gave you a gift of 86, 400 seconds today.  Have you used one to say ‘Thank you’”? (William Ward )Lord, every single gift comes from You…“Lift my gaze to see life from Your perspective. Help me to understand-and treasure-every good thing You send…”(From James 1:7)   My running list of His One Thousand Gifts to me:  http://www.aholyexperience.com/ 
“That’s My King”:  “Wow, what a God we serve! Preach it, Brother!” 🙂
912. “Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they go right on producing delicious fruit” (Jeremiah 17:7-8).

913.  Yesterday we put an offer in on a lovely short sale home in a great neighborhood.  We made it above the asking price as 3 other prospective buyers were also submitting their best offers at the same time.  We did not get it as someone else’s offer was higher.  I am confident that house was not the house for us even though it looked like the best one yet.  I am praying for Him to open and shut doors for a home for our family according to His will so I am counting this “no” as a loving gift.  I am asking God for the house of HIS choosing —HIS BEST for us in HIS time.  We’d sure appreciate prayer about this.

Saw this blurb:
Excerpt from the new Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing by Sally Lloyd-Jones

In the beginning, God sang everything into being—for the joy of it—and set the whole universe dancing.

God was in the center, at the heart of everything.
Like the dance of the planets before the sun—turning, spinning, circling, wheeling, revolving, orbiting around and around—God made everything in his world and in his universe and in his children’s hearts to center around him—in a wonderful Dance of Joy!

It’s the Dance you were born for.

“The morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.” JOB 38:7 (KJV)

915. Joy flies home from Vt today!  Yippeeee!  I am so happy that she had this grand adventure with her ChaChas and am so happy to have our Sunshine Girl back with us.  We missed her.  🙂

Copied and pasted from http://www.cancerpatientadvocate.com/  I highly reccommend Lynn Eib’s books to anyone facing cancer or has a loved one going through it.  She has blessed my socks off as I’ve read her books the last few months!
“Dear friend, I wish you well on your-or your loved one’s-journey with cancer.
I wish you a heart that has found the right attitude-a positive, realistic attitude.
I wish you a mind that has found peace-by replacing worries with better thoughts and by focusing on the present and not on the “what-ifs” of the future.
And I wish you a soul that has found hope-a hope based on the God of all Creation, who gives life true meaning.

God can make blessing come from cancer when God and cancer meet, but we have to let Him choose the blessing.

On the fifth anniversary of my cancer surgery, I wrote the following poem summing up what my journey with cancer has taught me:

When your world is crashing down around you, trust Him.
When what is unfolding doesn’t make sense, trust Him.
When you see no light at the end of the tunnel, trust Him.
When your silent tears spill down, trust Him.
When the pain refuses to subside, trust Him.
When your heart screams, “Why?” trust Him.
When you have more questions than answers, trust Him.
When the devil tells you otherwise, trust Him.
When it’s the last thing you feel like doing, trust Him.
When there’s simply nothing else to do, trust Him.

Be encouraged: God can be trusted in all things . . . even cancer”.

Copyright Lynn Eib 2002. Excerpted from When God & Cancer Meet: True stories of hope & healing.

4 thoughts on ““Faith Does Not Eliminate Questions. But Faith Knows Where to Take Them”

  1. Hi Paula, did not know that you are seeking to move. All in God’s Time and to His place of course as you so ably point out.

    Folks I am asking for some heavy duty prayers for myself and my family. I just had an appointment with my breast doctor today and he found a second lump right beside the other cancer incision. It may be scar tissue, but he wants it checked out with a mammo and ultrasound which is scheduled for 9/11/12. A little scary yes, but I know and trust that God is in control.

    Then my daughter is facing leukemia. It was diagnosed a year ago this past March. She is in remission and has been for a year, but she must be on chemo for the rest of her life because of the type of leukemia it is. She already had to go off one drug because of severe adverse reactions. She is now having some really heavy pain and other symptoms that may be from the second chemo drug. Please pray extra hard for her for there are only three drugs known to treat this particular leukemia and they are all in the same class that has already caused her heart problems and pulmonary hyoertension. She needs regular cardio and pulmonary check ups because of these drugs and she is only 35 with a 12 year old boy to care for as a single mom.

    Her son, the 12 year old, Brandon has ADHD and has a real struggle with school. He is now on a gymnastic team and has to keep his school work up so please pray for him also.

    Then my husband, Don, bless him Lord, has to deal with these three circumstances every day in our home for all three of us live together. He has suffered several severe bouts of depression and I pray and hope you will also that the stress of these circumstances will not induce another bout of depression. And yes, He does know our Lord Jesus and does my daughter, but I am not sure about my grandson, Brandon.

    As you can see, we are besieged but we are not bested for we Have Jesus to fight for us, but prayers would certainly we most welcome.

    God bless all who read this message. Kathy


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